News and press.
Check out AMOO’s first successful campaign!
Help honour trailblazing feminist Zelda D’Aprano, 8 August 2022.
Artist Jennifer Mann selected to create Zelda D’Aprano statue “Chain Reaction”, 31 May 2022.
Victoria to get six new public monuments celebrating women like Zelda D’Aprano, 9 March 2022.
Clare Wright for The Guardian
August 2020.
“Australia doesn’t have much to show for celebrating women’s achievements”
Clare Wright for The Guardian
March 2019.
Kristine Ziwica for The Age
August 2019.
“Only big moves will speed up the end of the unjust gender pay gap”
Kristine Ziwica for Women’s Agenda - ongoing work.
A Monument of One’s Own in The Age:
Invisible women: Melbourne’s monumental problem - and how to fix it
We need commemorative justice for our statues of women
Someday their plinth will come: Melbourne’s female statues lost in limbo
Clare Wright on ABC’s Mornings with Adam Shipley:
Listen to Clare discuss who should be remembered in bronze at 1:42:30
A Monument of One’s Own Welcomes City of Sydney resolution to address monument inequality
Creative Resilience, new artwork honours First Nations womens strength and creativity
Statue of World War I surgeon Vera Scantlebury Brown unveiled in home town of Linton
Sydney to put up more statues of women after its public art labelled a ‘sausage party’
Our campaign to Smash the Bronze Ceiling in The Australian
Defence nurses running marathon to raise money for statue of Lieutenant-Colonel Vivian Bullwinkel
Read Clare’s intervention into electorate naming practices
“Time to end Canberra’s statues of limitation”, Rob Harris, The Age
‘Why Are Women Not Immortalised in Stone?’
Listen to Clare discuss women in history and statue equality on Julia Gillard’s podcast.
Listen to Clare discuss statue equality on Sandra Sully’s podcast.
Watch Clare’s response to the new statue of Mary Wollstonecraft on ABC TV’s The Drum
Watch Clare’s response to the BLM statue debate on ABC TV’s Behind the News
Around the world.
Capitol statue collection gets first Black American, replacing Confederate, July 2022
Landmark recognition at Government House (WA) for early female land rights warrior, June 2022
Next stop, Sylvia Plath! Why it is time to redraw the London Underground map, March 2022
London has more statues of animals than of named women, audit finds, October 2021
Why Are There So Few Monuments That Successfully Depict Women?, February 2021
Mary Wollstonecraft finally honoured with statue after 200 years, November 2020
Statue of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be unveiled in Brooklyn on her birthday, October 2020
New York City’s Central Park will get its First Statue of Women, October 2019
Monumental Women: Breaking the Bronze Ceiling, May 2019
Caroline Criado Perez: How I put a suffragist in Parliament Square, April 2018
Why We Should Put Women on Pedestals - The New York Times, September 2017